
Showing posts from February, 2024

Doing Some Editing

Taking inspiration from other films can only take you so far. Watching films and taking ideas from it doesn't get progress done. Though I'm going through a period of not filming, it's best to still stay productive. Hopefully this thing of not filming will end this weekend, and the plan to film Saturday and Sunday remains the same. I've decided to assist Corvelest in editing the film. During one of my free class periods that I have him, I've been using his laptop to piece the the clips together. The point of this is to be ahead of the game. Especially since time is running out for the deadline, as it just reached the 2 week and a few days mark today. SO essentially I've been putting the scenes together. As well as editing out unnecessary parts from the clips. It typically consists of editing out the very first half second, and the very last half second of the clip. By me doing this, this'll give Corvelest the time to incorporate sound and edit the lighting in

Taking Inspirations from other Films

 The weekend that the group and I were supposed to film. As previously stated it had to be postponed. This is because my group member Teo couldn't make it. Since he had plans with some friend of girlfriend which he prioritized more than the filming date. I decided that I wanted to be productive and draw some inspiration. I decided to go the movie theater along with a pal of mine from church. I watched the new Bob Marley movie with him which was late at night. The movie started around 10:00 at night and ended at midnight. Instead of laying back, relaxing and just lazy-mindedly watching the film. I payed attention to the camera angles, the different shots, and the non-diegetic and diegetic sounds used throughout the film. I took much inspiration especially on the medium shots and medium close up shots. Where Bob Marley would be seen interacting with his people and at other times his studio executives and renowned people of status. The reason I payed particular attention to the scenes

NOOOOOOO! Another postpone

Welcome back guys and yet another week has passed. Unfortunately another postpone has occurred. The pressure is mounting increasingly to get more progress done. The group had agreed to get together on the weekend of 24th and 25th. To film for possibly an entire day and knock out more than half of what's needed for the film. I was good to go and same for Corvelest. However, for whatever reason it couldn't work out for Teo. Apparently he had a sleepover or some sort of hangout with a friend. I was a little upset, but I understand he's got to hangout especially after working hard in school all week. The next time i saw him and Corvelest I addressed the group and essentially said that we need to tighten up. How the project is due in less than a month and the pace has got to be picked up. Teo understood this and said he's willing to clear out his weekend to film. I still got to check with Corvelest. But me personally I'll make it work to film on Saturday and Sunday this

Costumes Used

Since there are only 2 characters in the film, there are only 2 costumes set that are being used. For Corvelest character, a white button up, formal pants, a belt, and loafers were used. Those clothing items except for the loafers and belt were not his, and was actually Teo's. It was debated whether Corvelest should also top it off with a suit, which is also Teo's. The suit and dress pants are navy blue. The loafers that were used as there was not any other formal shoes in range that would be usable. The only minimal downside to the loafers is that they are very velvety material, they are black making it workable. As it's used for more formal parties and not for business affairs. Oh well, it works though as Corvelest's feet are not filmed during the film. For Teo's character, only informal clothing was used. The sort of clothing that one would used as home, comfortable clothing. The clothing set consisted of gray sweatpants, crocs, and a regular shirt. The point of

Props Used in Filming

 While filming, a variety of props were used. Random items to the most conventionally used everyday items were used. Firstly, in the beginning scene, the protagonist character can be seen holding a picture frame. The portrait is supposed to be of a picture his deceased brother. Upon which he's looking at and reminiscing on past memories shared with him. That picture frame prop is a prop that was found in Corvelest's house. It's a picture frame of former President Obama, which may lead one to ask if anything was done about that original picture of the president. The response to that is no. Though I along with my group mates debated taking the picture out of the frame. Just for a few seconds to film the scene, it was decided that it would not be taken out. It remained within the frame even when the beginning scene was filmed. To make sure that Obama's picture was not shown, Teo, my group mate acting as the protagonist. Can be seen holding the frame in a way that only the

Finally Filming

Finally, the day came where I could alongside with my group. After postponing the dates twice, and anxiously trying to start filming it was able to happen on Saturday. Which took place on 2/17/23 from 11 am to 1 pm. I made sure everything worked out on my end, and to assist to my fullest capacity. My other group member, Teo, needed a ride that day and I was able to pick him up to go film. As my parents weren't driving that day and I could drive the car. I also brought props such as a pull up bar which would be used for one of the scenes, and my long board. Though the pull up bar wasn't used, the long board was used as a step for my group member Corvelest. Which was incorporated in the beginning scene when the antagonist knocks on the door of the protagonist character in the film. To keep the longboard still and not moving, I went across the street to this abandoned house that has a slim piece of brick. Which I used to slide under the wheel and suspension of the long board keepi

Further Delays

 As stated in the previous blog, the filming session was postponed for the following weekend. Which would be the weekend of Feb. 11 and Feb. 12. That however that date too had to be postponed. This abrupt change was because my 2nd group mate, Teo had last minute family plans. These plans would coincide during the proposed hours of the filming session. After discussing with my group, I proposed that Saturday, Feb. 17, could be another day to film. Personally, it works for me because my wrestling season is over so that clears my schedule up a ton. Since many of my wrestling tournaments would take place during the weekend, my availability was limited because of this. According to Corvelest he has this Saturday off making which makes him available. As for Teo, he too is avail though he has SAT tutoring right after. My anxieties to get the filming over with has soared. Mid-way in January when I started planning for filming, I had a feeling that much postponing would occur. Which is what I w

The Beginning of a Masterpiece

 Since mid-week of January I along with my group, having been planning for our project. Some would say to a vigorous extent. Though this may be true, there are certain aspects of the project that have not been figured out yet. One of these factors includes the costumes that the two main characters will wear. Partly due because it has not been decided what season the film will take place during. Initially, I proposed that the group could film on Thursday, Feb. 1, as it was a Professional Study Day. Meaning that everyone's released at 11:40, which would allow myself and the group to film right after school. That was pushed back however, because I had mandatory wrestling practice that day. To which I proposed that maybe the following Sunday would be a more suitable day to film. That filming session would be from the morning to the afternoon. That too was pushed back as I had urgent tasks to attend to at the last minute. Just yesterday the filming day was decided to be postponed for Sa